The Good News Factory


Rachel D. L. Smith
BLM, Arizona
September 13, 2016

Both my son and my best friend were repeatedly suggesting that I return to the music industry. For many reasons I did not intend to take that path. I explained to both of them that I had seen what the music industry could do to people. I watched it destroy families, friends, and ruin people's lives.

My friend was persistent, "But it wouldn't be like that this time. You would be the one calling the shots. You would be the one to say whether or not you would sing, at whichever places, or even what songs you'd sing."

It made me think but I still said "No." I had people regularly asking me for CDs, or any way to share my music, and I always had to say, regrettably, "No." So that was that. I was content to sing for the Lord alone, outside my little camper, and if any one happened to hear it, I would pray they would be blessed by my music.

In May, my son, Charles, had come down to help me. Shortly after he got here, something happened that had not happened in years. Because he was here to help, I was actually able to sing a solo at church! It felt so good to be able to sing for the Lord, knowing that I was sharing my love of the Lord, with others, through my music!

That afternoon, Charles asked me, "Mom, so, your voice and your music, that's a gift, right?"

I told him, "Yes, honey, I can't take any of the credit for it. It's a gift from the Lord."

I will never forget how he leaned forward, looked me right in the eye, with a very serious look, one I had only seen a few times from my son. Then he asked "So what are you doing with it?"

That floored me! He had asked me so many times about sharing my music, but this is the first time that he asked me in a way that really pierced my heart. After a long night of prayer, I told Charles that he was right, and this time he suggested that I record a CD. That way I could share my music with others, without being overwhelmed by the industry. We looked into different ways of recording it ourselves, but there was so much that needed to happen in my little world, that we never had the time. But I promised him that we would figure out a way to do it.

The last Sunday he was here, we went to my wonderful little church. It was one of those Sundays where we had a potluck. One of the ladies came up to me, as we were getting food from the table, and said "My husband and I have a recording studio in our home, and we would like to offer you the opportunity to create a CD, because other people need to hear your music. You need to share your gift."

As you can imagine, I was floored once again! I sat down, with tears in my eyes, and told her what an incredible answer to prayer this was. Then we went back into the dining room and I asked her to tell my son about it. Charles said he was not surprised at all. Obviously, he knew that it would all work out!

I've had cold feet several times, but every time, I would get nudged again. Once was by an email I received from The Good News Factory. A wonderful story about music and how the Lord uses us, despite our failings! That's when I realized, if it was right for me to record my music, then it would happen, and the Good Lord would give the increase. The biggest nudge I had, was this last Sunday in church. Pastor read a verse that had impacted his life, in a profound way. A verse that he didn't remember reading in his Bible! I've read through my Bible a few times, and I did not remember reading it either! Romans 11:29 says 'for Gods gifts and His call are irrevocable.' Gifts are not given, so we can keep them to ourselves, gifts are something we need to share! Hide it under a basket? No!

So now, I will say "Yes!" There are so many reasons to be excited about the journey I'm on! One of them is The Good News Factory! They're the reason I shared this part of my life as they want to publish this story!

I am so blessed!
Lord bless you!

FOOTNOTE from Ellie:
Dear readers, We sent Rachel the story "A Piano Lesson" by Mary Ellen Grisham. It was published on The Good News Factory on August 16. It is amazing how God has been working in her life and even used this story to help Rachel think more about sharing her gift.